Five Element Acupuncture

2000 years ago, by observing the rhythm of the seasons and the creative cycle of nature, the ancient Chinese developed the system of ‘internal’ medicine known today as Five Element Acupuncture.

They also noted that the rhythm of this cycle manifests within us: as without so within. And that everything is energy. In flow we can experience heaven on earth. Problems arise when it gets stuck.  

We now recognise that to be in good health, we have to have balance and harmony in our body, mind and spirit. Lack of relative balance at any level leads to dis-ease long before actual symptoms develop.

FEA is a preventative system.  We seek to diagnose the elemental imbalance within a person before it manifests as chronic disease.  Superficial symptoms will be an early warning but not the root cause of the problem, and because everything is interconnected, if one part fails every part suffers. If we simply treat the symptoms, we are often missing the point.

In the Five Element system we are looking for the element that is the root cause of the imbalance.  By treating that imbalance, harmony is restored to the body, mind and spirit and we can heal ourselves.

Wood Fire Earth Metal Water

Every Spring our world is reborn.  Spring gives way to the flowering and maturation of Summer, then the ripening and harvest of late Summer.  This abundance is balanced by Autumn decay.  As the leaves fall and rot they restore the minerals back into the earth. And then Winter exposes the bare bones, the essence of things; seeds germinate and the cycle begins again. 

There are only Five Elements but each element has an element within… it is a limitless system, and we are limitless beings.  Nature shows us a myriad of possibilities, not fixed absolutes.

Wood can be as stiff as old oak or flexible as willow. Fire burns like a raging furnace or smouldering ash.  Dry sand or a peaty bog is still Earth.  The compressed essence of Metal can be a diamond or coal. Imagine Water, a raging torrent or a quiet stream, an ocean or a rain drop.


Wood | Spring

Every year Spring bursts forth from the stillness of Winter: the blossom, the birdsong, and new green shoots on the trees are fresh and vibrant.  The air is sweeter and the days are longer. There is a sense of urgency and excitement in the air. We make new plans and deliver new projects. Our Wood element gives us the vision and purpose to manage our lives successfully. In balance Wood gives us the the strength and flexibility to manage our challenges but also gives us hope and optimism for life.


Fire | Summer

The hazy, lazy days of Summer bring a well earned time to relax and enjoy ourselves; the intensity of the heat during the day warms and releases us, and balmy evenings encourage us to be social, flirtatious and fun.  We feel free to expose ourselves, opening our hearts and displaying all that we are.  We mature and flourish.  When our Fire is healthy it gives us the ability to connect and communicate with heartfelt warmth, to trust and be trusted, to laugh and love and to find joy in our life.


Earth | Late Summer

As we enter Late Summer or the Harvest period, the days shorten and the pure frivolity becomes more mellow.  Our socialising has a celebratory feel as we welcome in the bountiful fruits of our labours and the seeds we planted in the Spring.  We can be confident and grateful that we will be nourished through the Winter.  A healthy Earth element gives us a deep sense that we are satiated, centred and grounded.  We have enough and with abundance we are able to join with others but stay true to ourselves.


Metal | Autumn

As the lazy warmth of Late Summer gives way to Autumn there is once again a chill in the air. Nature reminds us of the value of her creation, and the leaves turn russet and golden. This short lived beauty disappears as the leaves fall to the ground and we are reminded of the importance of being able to let go. Autumn is time for reflection and letting go of what no longer serves us. A Metal element in balance gives us an appreciation of what really matters, our sense of self-worth and an ability to see beyond the mundane.


Water | Winter

Far from being an end, Winter heralds the new beginning.  It is the time we hibernate and retreat inwards.  Unadorned, we discover the truth of who we really are: our essence.  From this place of deep, restoring rest, we are able to regenerate and gather strength for the next cycle. A healthy water element provides us with the wisdom and power to adapt and move with the flow of life. Whilst it can be turbulent and exposing it’s inherently calm and quiet nature reassures us of the peace that resides within.

“We are slowed down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the cosmos. We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music.”

— Albert Einstein