Five Element Acupuncture harnesses our capacity to live life to the full, and to love the experience. It is a wonderful, ancient system that can still help us with the challenges we face today. We all try to look, feel and perform at our very best, but as life gets ever busier and more complex, taking charge of our lives and taking care of ourselves gets harder. Most of us have thrown a lot of time and money at different therapies to improve our physical and emotional wellbeing, often giving up because the investment, or the sacrifice, becomes too great. We forget that we are all already extraordinary, and have all we need within us. We just have to let it flow.
Sixth Element is a Five Element Acupuncture practice, founded by Nicky Douglas, based in Marylebone in Central London and Meon Shore in Hampshire.
“Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakes.”
— Carl Jung
Nicky Douglas - Five Elements Acupuncturist
Like so many of us working in the corporate world, I was consumed by the stress of balancing home and work, family relationships and friendships, and found myself relying more and more on stimulants to deal with daily life. Coffee, alcohol, cigarettes were becoming necessary fixers. Even my better habits like hard work and exercise were becoming obsessions so that rather than restoring me physically, mentally and spiritually, I became depleted. I had bouts of persistent tonsillitis and permanent exhaustion. At the age of 25 I had less energy than at 50.
By chance I was recommended a Five Element practitioner and after treatment, my ‘chronic’ symptoms miraculously vanished. For the next 30 years, my acupuncturist helped me to maintain balance and harmony in my life, to not only survive but to thrive, through all life’s challenges.
When the opportunity presented to study and then practice this incredible system I started on a path of lifelong learning and discovery.
My personal experience informs my practice too; working with patients who are struggling similarly with work related stress, addiction and eating disorders, trauma, anxiety and depression, as well as age related symptoms like the menopause, and the side effects of cancer treatment.
The training and practice of acupuncture has enabled me to integrate so many aspects of my life experience, values and philosophy in the service of others. To witness the power of nature to heal is humbling, and to participate in the process of healing is a privilege.
For more information or to book an appointment:
Email: Nicky.douglas@sixthelement.io
Phone: +44 7866 455016
Nicky trained with Gerad Kite in the tradition of JR Worsley who rediscovered this beautiful system in Asia and brought it to the West in the1950’s. She has a Licentiate from the LIFEA (London Institute of Five Element Acupuncture). She is a member of the AFEA (Association of Five Element Acupuncturists) and the CThA (Complimentary Therapist Association). Nicky adheres to the highest standards of care and professional conduct and has comprehensive medical malpractice insurance.